In France two bonuses for the self-consumption of homegrown energy produced by solar PV systems are currently available: Tax credit on renewable resources (in French CITE) and reduced VAT to 5,5%.
4-noks products, notably Elios4you Smart and Power Reducer, comply with the requirements demanded by provisions on benefit reductions.

4-noks devices are compliant in the following cases:
Elios4you Smart device is used for managing the electric heating depending on the energy produced by solar PV systems. Electric radiators, once connected to wireless plugs (Smart Plug RC and Smart Switch RC) communicate via radio with the system Elios4you Smart for managing energy from solar PV systems.
The heating activation thanks to energy self-consumption is easily managed and displayed on your smartphone or tablet on the free App “Elios4you“: with this App, the user can program the switching on / off of electric radiators depending on the thresholds of clean energy available with daily / weekly timer.

Power Reducer and Power Reducer RC, combined with Elios4you or Elios4you Smart systems are used for heating sanitary water.
In the natural energy production curve from solar PV system, with a fast peak followed by a fast drop, the Power Reducer smartly converts the energy available without drawing any energy from the grid, using even only 10 Watts available. Thanks to the “Elios4you” App it is also possible to set and program the resistance activation from a smart device, both at home and away.