Which type of cable can be used to extend CT cables of Elios4you and Power Reducer SA?

It is possible to extend production and data exchange CT cables of Elios4you up to 20 metres, using shielded cables at least 2×0.75sq. mm long.

I would like to install Power Reducer SA but exchange energy meter is far: what is the cables’ maximum length?

It is possible to extend the CT cables of the Power Reducer SA up to 20 metres, using shielded cables at least 2×0.75 sq. mm.

Is it possible to extend CT cables belonging to Elios4you and Power Reducer SA?

Yes. It is possible to extend CT production and data exchange cables of Elios4you up to 20 metres, using shielded cables at least 2×0.75sq. mm long.

If the distance to cover is more than 20 metres, the two CT shielded cables of Elios4you Smart can be replaced with two RC wireless Energy Meters (single-phase or three-phase). It is not possible to […]

I own a Power Reducer SA (Stand Alone), but the green LED lights up steadily. How can I restore the device?

This is due to a change in the device working modality. To restore its correct functioning, you have to:

Disconnect the Power Reducer from the power supply
Keep the black button pushed (Boost button), to supply again the Power Reducer
Wait: two acoustic “beep” in a rapid succession signal the process has been carried out successfully.

The Power Reducer […]

Can I divert and store the surplus solar PV energy to an electric heater/immersion tank?

To divert and store the surplus energy to an electric heater / immersion tank, the best solution is Power Reducer. This device adjusts the resistance consumption in the boiler depending on the surplus energy generated by the system. Therefore, it is possible to dramatically reduce the energy fed to the grid using the surplus power […]

How can I automatically divert the surplus energy to a water heater/storage tank with Elios4you?

There are possibilities:

Use the the Elios4you on-board relay. The smart switching ON/OFF are directly programmed from the App, depending on the available surplus energy and on configurable threshold / delay. It will be also possible to manage the switching on of the boiler in case there is no immediate energetic availability, to always keep hot […]